


 写真は、3頭の紀州犬です。日本橋三越でおこなっている写真家・岩合光昭さんの「いぬ 岩合光昭写真展」(4月18日まで)で入手したはがき。かれらの方がずっと純粋で政治家の皆さんよりも高等な動物のように思えてきます。すくなくても、自分のエゴを抑えることができるという意味で。いまこそ、自分のエゴを抑えて、団結する時なのに。

 It is a great pity that Japanese politicians seem to be more concerned about their own interests even when 30,000 people were killed from the 3.11 disaster and even when we continue to have a great threat from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. These 3 Japanese Kishu dogs are wiser than our politicians, at least they know it is time to be united and control the own egos.